January 28, 2019 today is the first day we practice teaching using the format of lesson plans from our home country, but I and my friends have not started teaching because our Cooperating Teachers still provide an initial assessment of the classes we practice teach correctly. Today we were introduced to a class where we practiced teaching, to classes that we did not teach as well, the first impression was very pleasant seeing the 10th grade students who became our training ground. Today we were brought by our mentor to all 10th grade in St. Junior high school Paul University Surigao, in particular we were introduced to the classroom which was the training ground, namely MMM 10th grade and Pier Louis Chauvet class 10, on this day our mentor had six teaching sessions from 8am to 5pm at the last session our mentor could not filling out the class because we held meetings with school officials, we were asked to fill in the class to guide the initial assessment. This session was the first time we entered the class without being accompanied by a mentor, first we were still nervous talking in front of the class but we passedsession thisquite well. Because the assessment activities are only Quiz which amounts to 45 questions with various types of questions ranging from Multiple Choice, Essay, to matching answers. Because those at the junior high school level do not require students to bring notebooks so they feel troubled when looking for the paper they need at a quiz like today. The implementation of the quiz here is not by using the questions printed out, but only displayed in the form of PPT on the LCD that is available in the class. after 45 questions they finished their work, then they put it forward and wetheir answer paper gaveto our mentor on
January 29, 2019 today is the first day of practice teaching with material about thesystem human reproductive, after the routine ceremony each at 7:40 a.m. I practice teaching in the 10th grade of MMM, this class is a regular class, I prepared everything quite well. The first day of my teaching was accompanied by my mentor and friend, they monitored me from the visitor's seat. I taught in that class using power point media, my first experience was still very nervous to teach in class but I was happy because students in this class were very active, I explained with the help of the images displayed at power point.on this occasion I because, the first day I entered the class. I took the first session by requiring them to introduce themselves one by one by mentioning their age and ideals. After everything was introduced, I went on to ask whether some of themknew or what they knew about the reproductive system. I was surprised because each of their answers was extraordinary. then after I asked them then I concluded each of their answers and added a little. I continued the material, and I was shocked again that every time I explained it they immediately understood. after all the material I explained and when I was teaching, it had begun to end, I also ended my teaching and learning activities. I, Sandy, and a mentor headed to the teacher's room after I taught and mentored me to say happy because I taught very well, and I revealed to my mentor that I was very nervous when teaching. And my mentor answered it was a natural thing and he said later you will get used to it yourself. after I finished teaching I returned to my resting place to eat. and then 1.30 noon is a teaching hour for Sandy in a science class. Sandy was also accompanied by a mentor and myself.
January 30, 2019 today there is no schedule for us to teach because our schedule teaches Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Therefore we only follow theceremony flagin the morning and so on, we make the media and teaching materials to be taught tomorrow, namely making points of strength about the menstrual cycle and fertilizing material, not only making strength points, I also look for materials to visualize the menstrual cycle and fertilization and finally I got a video about the menstrual cycle and conception, this video will be used as one of the ingredients to teach tomorrow. the rest is like an ordinary day undergoing a routine.
January 31, 2019 today is the second day I teach the MMM 10 class that teaches about the menstrual cycle and fertilization. Today I use thelearning model cooperative, by presenting several videos about the menstrual cycle and fertilization as material to visualize the event with the aim of easier understanding of events that occur in the mechanism of the reproductive system. Students are very enthusiastic about watching videos because they can grow their imagination about events that occur in theorgansfemale reproductive. In this study the students were divided into three groups, with the first group analyzing diseases or abnormalities that occur in thereproductive system male and prevention and treatment, the second group analyzingdisorders the reproductive systemin women and prevention and prevention, the third group analyzed the disorders that occurs during the menstrual cycle and fertilization and prevention and prevention. After completing the discussion, the results of the discussion are informed to other groups.
February 1, 2019 today is the first day in February, today's activity opened with a prayer event held at the GYM building at 8:00 a.m. and finished at 9:30 a.m., the prayer is finished to begin a series of activities to be held by Senior High Schools and February this is referred to as "UPDATE SCHOOL OF SCHOOL". Because my teaching hours were cut off with these activities so I menggatinya with only giving quizzes in approximately 30 minutes.
February 2, 2019 today is a school holiday and at activities scheduled to tour in Surigao but this event was canceled due to constraints on the part of the campus because it collided with the event organized by the campus, therefore today we made lesson plans in the Philippines format, we make lesson plans with guidance from our mentor. There are differences in the format of the lesson plans of our country in the format in the Philippines, in this format we only make the core of the learning we will do during the learning process. Besides makingplans lessonand also making learning materials that will be used next week, make points of strength about the material of heredity.
February 3, 2019 the activity on this day is Tour of Surigao, this event is a substitute for an event that could not be held yesterday. This time we toured the tourist destinations in Surigao City, the place was Day-Asan and Mabua. Day-asan is a village on the beachin this place we go around by boat through villages, see shells, starfish, drive around in mangroves, see coral reefs, on Day-asan we can also swim on the white sand beach, at I also prayed on the boat for the first time. After finishing lunch and swimming in Hariasan we returned to the point of departure and proceeded to the next tourist spot. The second place is called Mabua Beach,this beach is different from the beach in general, the beach here is not sand but it is very nice, the rocks are smooth and the water is very clear. the water is cold with gusts of wind that are not so fast but the air is cold. In Mabua we met with the teacher of the St. Middle School. Paul University Surigao is also on vacation together. On this tour we were accompanied by several Student Buddies, representatives from CECA (Education, Culture and Arts Collages) and of course the Teacher-SEA Project Coordinator, SR. Nicole de Marie Dabalus, SPC. We returned to school at around 4:00 a.m. before returning to school, we stopped by at the resort or villa located near the beach of one of the Student Buddies, where we enjoyed the evening.When finished, we returned to school and bought dinner at Mang Inasal,place our favoriteto eat.

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