The SEA-Teacher program is not yet popular for students in the LPTK (Teacher Training Education Institution) because it was only implemented in 2016. Moreover, for people who are not involved in education, they rarely read or hear SEA-Teacher. So want know, how many kompasianers know this program?
Program from SEAMEO
SEAMEO is an abbreviation of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization. From its name it has seen its realm of work. Moving in the field of education with countries in Southeast Asia is a target. One program from SEAMEO is SEA-Teacher, namely student exchange program education to practice teaching in ASEAN countries.
This program was only implemented in 2016, and has been successfully implemented in two waves. The first wave has been held from January to February yesterday, with only participated by 2 countries namely Indonesia and Thailand. For the second wave it has been carried out July 17 - August 15 2016 and experienced improvement in terms of quantity. A total of 101 students from 3 countries namely Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines enlivened the program. Thank God, I could be one of 101 students selected to take part in the second wave of the SEA-Teacher program.
The purpose of the SEA-Teacher Program
With the program that provides an opportunity to experience teaching practices in neighboring countries, it is hoped that after that students can improve their teaching skills and also pedagogically. Pedagogics cannot be learned simply by reading textbooks about education, learning, students, etc. But will , can be grown when more experience in teaching both at home and abroad.
In addition, students are also expected to be more active in using international languages, namely English as the language of instruction when participating in the SEA-Teacher program. You don't want to have to use English if you are with foreigners, so you understand the same.
Interested? . I am very grateful to be chosen to take part in this extraordinary activity
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